North Yorkshire County Council


Transition (LGR) Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Wednesday 21 September


Overview of the Transition (Local Government Reorganisation) O&S Committee


Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)



Purpose of Report




To provide Members with details of the arrangements in place for the new Transition

(Local Government Reorganisation) overview and scrutiny committee.



2.0       Background              


2.1       At the meeting of the County Council on 20 July 2022, it was agreed to set up a new overview and scrutiny committee, constituted for the period July 2022 to March 2023. The committee is the subject to political balance and proportionality and based upon 16 members (as is currently the case for overview and scrutiny committees).


2.2       The role and remit of the Transition (Local Government Reorganisation (LGR)) overview and scrutiny committee is to be the scrutiny of significant decisions made by the Executive regarding the creation of the new unitary authority.


2.3       The Transition (LGR) overview and scrutiny committee will maintain its own work programme and it is scheduled to formally meet 3 times ahead of the creation of North Yorkshire Council, although additional meetings may be added in if required. The meeting dates and times are:

·         Wednesday 21 September 2022 (10am)

·         Wednesday 9 November 2022 (10am)

·         Thursday 19 January 2023 (2pm)


2.4       The Transition (LGR) overview and scrutiny committee will work alongside the existing five overview and scrutiny committees undertaking their business as usual work, but with a particular focus on helping to shape the development of the new unitary authority. This is alongside the LGR member working groups that have been established on topics including: Locality; Planning; Customer; Waste; Licensing; Council Tax Harmonisation and Member support and the role of the Member. The LGR member working group meetings are ongoing throughout August, September and October.


3.0       Role of committee members


3.1       All the members of an overview and scrutiny committee have a key role to play in ensuring that Council and other public sector services are delivered effectively, efficiently and that they achieve good outcomes for local people. The things that committee members can do, include:


·           Contributing to the development of the committee’s work programme, providing constructive challenge and suggesting topics for inclusion

·           Actively engaging with all stages of the scrutiny process, including any additional groups or meetings that are setup outside of the scheduled, formal meetings of the committee

·           Developing constructive relationships with other members of the committee, the relevant portfolio holders and service leads

·           Working apolitically as a committee, with a strong focus upon service improvement and outcomes

·           Receiving the data, information and analysis that is presented in an impartial manner

·           Assessing the data, information and analysis presented to the committee and testing the conclusions that are drawn

·           Contributing to the development of recommendations, based on the committee’s deliberations, which are specific, realistic and relevant.


4.0       Work Programme


4.1       The topics for the work programme of the Transition (LGR) overview and scrutiny committee to consider and receive reports on are identified by the committee Chair and Members, advised by the relevant overview and scrutiny officer.


4.2       On every agenda for formal meetings of the Transition (LGR) overview and scrutiny committee, there will be an item on the committee work programme.  This provides Members with an opportunity to reflect on the issues that have been identified and assure themselves that they are appropriate for the committee.


4.3       As with all of the other overview and scrutiny committees, work is co-ordinated by the Scrutiny Board (a private meeting of the scrutiny chairs). The current work programme was considered by the Scrutiny Board at its last meeting on 19 August 2022.


4.4       The work programme for the Transition (LGR) overview and scrutiny committee is a separate item on the agenda for today’s meeting. Members are encouraged to come forward with suggestions for scrutiny at the future meetings of this committee to ensure they add value and scrutinise effectively during the transition period ahead of the creation of the new unitary authority.


5.0       Further information


5.1       Further general information on overview and scrutiny is available on the North Yorkshire County Council website - Overview and scrutiny | North Yorkshire County Council


5.2       The officer supporting the work of this committee is:

Will Baines, Principal Democratic Services and Scrutiny Officer


Tel: 01609 533885.


6.0       Financial implications


6.1      There are no significant financial implications in this report.


7.0       Legal implications


7.1       There are no specific legal implications in this report.


8.0       Equalities implications


8.1       There are no specific equalities implications in this report.


9.0       Climate change implications


9.1       There are no specific climate change implications in this report.


 10.0    Recommendation


 10.1    That Members note this report



Barry Khan

Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)


County Hall, Northallerton

9 September 2022


Report Author: Will Baines, Principal Democratic Services and Scrutiny Officer


Background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report - None